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A leading training program for development careers

Powered by Infinity Labs R&D

Online or In-Person in NYC

Computer science degree or background isn't required

1,000s of our alumni lead successful careers at leading firms including Samsung, Meta, Amazon, and Citibank

Recruiters eagerly anticipate your graduation for seamless job placement


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Learn how our program is a cut above the rest.

About the Program

Fast-track your career with our intensive MS Software Development program (Master of Science), blending academic theory with hands-on application. Students will acquire the tools and methodologies essential for researching, learning, and mastering new technologies and languages.

Generous scholarships

No GRE required

Open to all BA/BSc/BTL Graduates

A Computer Science degree or background isn't required


& Online Options


Program Duration
9.5 Months


Powered by Infinity Labs R&D



Join the Program:
MS Software Development

Unique Methodology, Unparalleled Results

 Learn and work as a team led by mentors

Our mentored social learning methodology prioritizes practical learning while covering in-depth theory. This unique approach is changing the way people learn and work through the formulization of autodidactic learning of technical subjects. Graduates emerge with the capability to independently learn new technologies and the skills to successfully navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the world's fastest-growing industry, staying at the forefront of innovation and relevance.

Tailored for Success

 Hands-on learning accelerates your career

Exclusively developed to meet the demands of today's dynamic industry landscape, the program offers a career-centric hands-on approach to software development education. Program materials remain accessible for 1-year post degree completion. Graduates are equipped with the skills and experience necessary to thrive in positions typically demanding 2-3 years of industry experience.

Accelerate your Career

Grad salaries from $95k+

Students cultivate vital soft skills essential for professionalism through mentorship and teamwork. Under the guidance of the program's occupational psychologists, students emerge uniquely equipped to excel in professional interviews, paving the way for quality employment opportunities and unlocking higher earning potential. Over 2000 Infinity Labs R&D graduates are employed at more than 300 different tech companies.

A total of 16 courses. The courses within each module of the program are interwoven to provide a holistic approach to learning software development.

Students are required to first complete the core curriculum (Open Lab) courses, then one of the specialization tracks (Real Time Embedded System Programming or Full Stack Frontend and Backend Software Development).

  • 9 Core curriculum courses (Open Lab) and
  • 7 Specialization courses - Real Time Embedded System Programming (RD) or Full Stack Frontend and Backend Software Development (FS)

Open Lab

All core curriculum Open Lab courses are required as prerequisites to the specialization tracks. The Open Lab (OL) encompasses the core fundamentals and pre-requisites that every software developer needs to know, including:

  • Essential concepts and behind-the-scenes workings of system programming
  • Tools and resources
  • Procedural programming languages
  • Agile software development methodologies
  • Professional skills (effort optimization, accurate time estimation)
  • Software development traps & pitfalls
  • Soft skills (personal effectiveness, interpersonal skills, communication)
  • Technology research skills
  • Software development as an individual and as part of a team


  • Linux Development Environment and Tools 1
  • Foundations of Procedural Programming
  • Implementations of Applied Data Structures 1
  • Fundamentals of System Programming
  • Linux Development Environment and Tools 2
  • Algorithm Interfaces and Implementations
  • Implementations of Applied Data Structures 2
  • Cyber Threat Landscape and System Programming
  • Open Lab Final Project

Specialization Tracks

After completion of all the Open Lab courses, students select one of the following specialization tracks:

  • Real Time Embedded System Programming (RD) track
  • Full Stack Frontend and Backend Software Development (FS) track

The following are fundamentals common to both tracks:

  • Advanced system programming
  • Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Distributed systems
  • Networking & network software development
  • Design patterns
  • Building user-friendly interfaces
  • Multi-tier architecture
  • Debugging complex systems
  • Project architecture & design
  • UML
  • Testing strategies
  • Asynchronous communication
  • Client / server
  • Event-driven development
  • Code refactoring
  • S.O.L.I.D. principles
  • Strictly layered systems / layered architecture
  • Real-world software engineering practices
  • Separation of Concerns (SoC)
  • Backward compatibility
  • Quality-driven development
  • Dynamic programming
  • Technical presentation

Real Time Embedded System Programming (RD) track

The RD track provides a ‘bottom-up’ approach to learning – with in-depth theory and an array of under-the-hood technologies and respective skills that are relevant for a wide range of software development disciplines. C++ is serves as the primary framework for learning programming and procedural languages, facilitating independent and efficient learning across all systems and languages. Topics covered include systems, networks, architectures & topologies, environments, frameworks, professional tools, coding styles, development environments, the software development lifecycle (SDLC), as well as additional programming languages and implementation techniques.


  • Introduction to File System
  • Object Oriented Programming, C++ Internals and Applied C++
  • Networking and IPC
  • Implementations of Design Patterns
  • Final Project – Infrastructure
  • Final Project – NBD Application and Communication
  • Final Project – Embedded
  • Methods and Applications of Interviews

Full Stack Frontend and Backend Software Development (FS) track

The FS track provides a ‘top-down’ approach to learning, with a comprehensive exposure to the technologies, tools and trends of back-end Web development and Web services. Java serves as the framework for learning programming and procedural languages, facilitating independent and efficient learning across all systems and languages. Topics covered include specialized and best programming practices, multiple types of system development, databases, APIs, languages, UI/UX basics, networks, and cloud computing.


  • Object Oriented Programming, Java Internals and Applied Java 1
  • Object Oriented Programming, Java Internals and Applied Java 2
  • Implementations of Design Patterns
  • Applied Backend Development
  • Applied Databases
  • Introduction to Frontend Development
  • Final Project
  • Methods and Applications of Interviews

For a full description of program courses download the MS Software Development Syllabus.

All essential resources, activities, videos, discussions and support are provided through the Infinity Labs R&D proprietary platforms. This provides a collaborative work environment that simulates a real-world software development team environment. There is no need to purchase additional textbooks or materials.

The full-time hands-on program is highly intensive, simulating a real-world software development team environment.

It requires a commitment of 50 hours per week for 36 weeks.

Accessibility and Accommodations
The Office of Disability Services collaborates with students, faculty and staff to provide reasonable accommodations and services to students with disabilities. Students with disabilities who are enrolled in this course and who will be requesting documented disability-related accommodations should make an appointment with the Office of Disability Services, (646) 592-4132, rkohn1@yu.edu, during the first week of class. Once you have been approved for accommodations, please submit your accommodation letter to ensure the successful implementation of those accommodations. For more information, please visit: http://yu.edu/Student-Life/Resources-and-Services/Disability-Services/

Academic Integrity
The submission by a student of any examination, course assignment, or degree requirement is assumed to guarantee that the thoughts and expressions therein not expressly credited to another are literally the student’s own. Evidence to the contrary will result in appropriate penalties. For more information, visit http://yu.edu/registrar/grad-catalog/

Student Support Services
If you need any additional help, please visit Student Support Services: http://yu.edu/academics/services/ 


Registration Deadline

7 January 2025

Program Start

13 January 2025

Applications will be assigned to the faculty on the MS Admissions committee and will pass through several stages of review.

Applicants must possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with a minimum GPA of 3.2.
English Proficiency – All non-native English-speaking applicants must demonstrate English language proficiency before they can enroll in a YU Global degree.
Application document checklist:

  • Complete interview with Program Coordinator
  • Completed online application
  • Submit Transcripts from all colleges/universities attended
  • Submit Letter of Intent
  • Submit Resume/CV
  • Provide Proof of Immunization for face-to-face attendance
  • Provide Proof of English Proficiency (if applicable)

Candidates will be invited to participate in Personal and Technical Interviews with program faculty (1-2 hours) to determine if the program aligns with their goals and abilities.

Please ensure the following for the interviews:

  • Quiet Environment
  • Laptop
  • Good internet connection
  • Camera
  • Headphones
  • Notebook


MS Software Development: $60,000 USD

YU Global offers scholarships for the Master of Science in Software Development Program for up to $15,000 over the course of the entire program.  As a graduate program, scholarships are based on merit and are not need based.  Scholarships are semester-based.  
Scholarships are awarded based on the following metrics:

  • Undergraduate GPA exceeding 3.50
  • Letter of Interest that cites outstanding undergraduate service
  • Letter of Interest that cites outstanding work experience

Scholarships may be requested at the time of application in the Letter of Intent if you believe you meet the above requirements. Decisions made regarding scholarships are made by the YU Global Student Selection Committee.

In exclusive partnerships with YU Global, HFLS-NY and HFLS-NJ will provide 0%-interest, no fee loans to cover the full cost of this course to qualified applicants. To learn more, including income and guarantor requirements, and to apply, please contact the HFLS where you reside.

Meet Infinity Labs Graduates


Tsella | Software developer
Global Tech Company


Neithan | Software developer


Shir | Software developer


Maria | Software developer
Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Ofir | Software developer
Elbit Systems


Neviu | Software developer


Nir | Software developer


Chayah | Software developer
Elbit Systems


Sam | Software developer
Western Digital


Inbar | Software developer


Bar | Software developer


Daniel | Software developer


Infinity Labs R&D is a research and development company that has pioneered technology prototypes, products and services. Since 2014, our revolutionary software development programs have empowered participants from diverse backgrounds (STEM and others) to excel in software development roles by changing the way they learn and work. We partner with the leading high-tech companies, and offer consulting and tailored training programs for software development teams. Our graduates work at the top high-tech companies in the world.

Our intensive MS Software Development program provides hands-on training in software development fundamentals, fostering top-tier skills and professional output in less than 1 year. Students benefit from small group learning, guided by exceptional mentors. Our Mentored Social Learning methodology, changes the way people learn and work. We place emphasis on developing self-learning and critical-thinking skills alongside technical proficiency to empower students to navigate diverse languages and domains effectively. 

This unique approach accelerates learning by emphasizing shared theoretical concepts among languages in an Open lab style environment. Our rigorous program is not suited to everyone, but graduates emerge equipped with the tools and soft-skills to compete for positions usually requiring 2-3 years of experience and consistently rank among the top professionals in the field. 

To invest in this new profession requires time and dedication to learn new materials and reinforce them. Attendance is required full-time Monday to Friday, plus additional daily study.

Our faculty “mentors” are members of our R&D team, and hands-on software developers. They divide their time and expertise between working in R&D and program mentoring. They are top technical professionals, and transform our participants into the same.

Yes. Please refer to the tuition section for further information.

No. The program is very intensive and requires a lot of investment. The program consumes 5 full days per week for less than a year, plus additional study at home.

The program offers a departure from traditional academia. Unlike typical Computer Science curriculums focused on research and theory, our program is tailored to the demands of the industry. We prioritize practical learning, enabling participants to efficiently acquire and apply relevant theory and technologies at industry standards. Our approach delves deeper into practical utilization and real-world implementations, equipping participants with professional-level skills. This unique methodology ensures quick integration into the workforce, preparing participants for sustained success in their careers.


Employers hold our graduates in highly regard, often preferring them over Computer Science graduates due to their practical expertise. Former Computer Science graduates attest to learning more in our program's initial months than in their entire degree program, elevating industry standards and professional quality in their workplaces.

C serves as the foundation for many modern languages. To grasp these languages fully, a solid understanding of C is essential.

Our graduates engineer software for numerous companies, spanning industries such as machine learning (A.I.), telecommunications, defense, medical, biotech, aerospace, automotive, data science, mechanical engineering, hardware, cybersecurity, finance, cloud services, and more.

They specialize in various languages including C, C++, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Clojure, Python, Go, C#, Scala, Swift, Angular, React, Objective-C, Unix Shell, R, and PHP.

Over 2000 graduates work at more than 300 high-tech companies (and counting).

We seek excellence in candidates. While a STEM degree is advantageous, it is not mandatory.

Rest assured, your belief in yourself, readiness to work hard, and passion for software development are crucial and your suitability for the program is determined by these qualities.

Yes, participants failing to meet program expectations and requirements risk dismissal. We invest significantly in our participants and expect commitment in return.

We do not guarantee job placement, but we heavily invest in our participants, offering superior training and services. Following graduation, our learning resources remain accessible for a year. We are committed to helping you grow and learn.

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Learn how our program will set you up for success.

connect with us

yuglobal@yu.edu / 646-592-6680

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